Smoked Salmon Puffs

Smoked Salmon Puffs
Cuisine: Good old mums cooking
Author: mum
This dish is just as good if you substitute ham for the smoked salmon.
  • 175 g Cream Cheese
  • 450 g Puff Pastry
  • Smoked Salmon Trimmings
  • 5 ml Cayenne Pepper
  1. Preheat the oven to 200 C
  2. Roll out the puff pastry thinly and cut into rectangles 6 x 12 cm
  3. On one half of the rectangle place a piece of salmon, a dollop of cream cheese and sprinkle with cream cheese
  4. Moisten the edges of the pastry with cold water
  5. Fold over and seal the edges tightly
  6. Bake until golden brown


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